SWA comments on today’s announcement on DRS by Circularity Scotland

“The SWA (Scottish Wholesale Association) welcomes Circularity Scotland’s announcement on the removal of upfront charges and retrospective payment terms for small producers and importers, including wholesalers.
“We're pleased Circularity Scotland and the Scottish Government have listened to our concerns about the cash flow issues facing businesses. However, many concerns remain unanswered around price-marked packs, GS1 compliant barcodes, bonded warehouses and other issues.
“SWA will continue to push for an 18-month grace period to allow those small producers/importers to prepare for DRS as well as for a de minimis exemption for low volume products.
“There are still too many unanswered questions for producers and importers to sign up to the DRS in a week’s time. The 28th February deadline must be shelved in writing by the Scottish Government so businesses across the supply chain still have the confidence to keep trading in Scotland.”