Scottish Wholesale Association welcomes July reopening of tourism businesses but calls for clarity on social-distancing measures

The Scottish Wholesale Association (SWA), the trade association for Scotland’s food and drink wholesale businesses, has welcomed the Scottish Government's intention to reopen hospitality and tourism businesses from July 15.
Colin Smith, chief executive, said: “The closure of the hospitality and tourism sectors has represented a major blow to Scotland’s wholesalers. Some of our foodservice members lost 90% of their income overnight and even now they are losing more than 60% of their turnover when they should be gearing up for a successful summer.
“However, until we know whether the Scottish Government will be relaxing the two-metre social-distancing measure there will be huge concern about the viability of the hospitality and tourism sectors and all the supply chain businesses which rely on them.”
Wholesalers, Smith added, are “fundamental to the successful reopening of the hospitality and tourism sector”.
He said: “That’s why the Scottish Wholesale Association will continue to push for financial support, including business rates relief and grant funding for wholesalers – the majority of whom have received no Scottish Government financial support so far.”
Tourism Secretary Fergus Ewing, in a statement to the Scottish Parliament this afternoon, said that businesses should prepare for a “provisional return to trading with appropriate safety guidelines” on July 15.