Play Your Part: Final Consultation on DRS ends 10th December

Tuesday 10th December 2019 is your last chance to formally have your say on DRS! This is the closing date for the final Scottish Government DRS Consultation on the issue. SWA will be using ALL previous member evidence responses that were sent previously to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee consultation last month.
We urge members who did not contribute previously to get in touch and SWA will assist in writing your response. Every member will be impacted in some way by DRS. This is true even if it is purely a limited range of products you will have to sell in your depots because manufacturers WILL NO LONGER make available the same range of product for the Scottish market.
Your board also ask that you write to your local MSP (again SWA can provide a template on request), inviting them to meet with you either in their local constituency office or your depot (SWA can be in attendance with you) and send them the SWA DRS Impacts report. Your local employment is a vital part of their community that they were elected to represent. Any impact on your viability of employment should be a concern to them and they need to know.
Local MSP visits should ideally be completed before the end of January, which is when the Scottish Government will make their decision on the final shape of the DRS regulations.